Bethel is in the 1% of people in her area to have any post-high school education, let alone a college degree. She had recently graduated from studying entrepreneurship in college when she found herself far from home in a challenging work environment. There were no benefits, demanding tasks, and illegal products. This dark side was hidden from her, and all she knew was that she desperately wanted to be able to provide for her family.
Bethel was disillusioned with the big city job that promised success and knew there must be another way. She decided it was time to transfer and follow her dreams to be able to care for her son and parents. In high school, she would walk past Dignity and talk with her friends about wanting to work there someday. Little did she know, with her determination and kindness, this would become a reality for her.
Her life changed when she realized, “Here, we only need transportation, and I get to see my child. I can also take care of my family.” Distant work and high costs of living can easily separate families, but Bethel is thankful to be somewhere near to home where she can afford to live. She aspires to continue providing for her family while keeping her entrepreneurial spirit. Her hard work and creativity come together in unique ways, giving her a sense of pride and ownership of what she does.
“This is what we should have learned when we were in college, creating products that people need and are interested in. I find it inspiring because it's like creating your own work.” With Dignity, Bethel can now apply her entrepreneurial skills from college to serving others and building strong relationships in a healthy environment.